정치 / 사회


  • 도서명 : HALLYU (K홀릭 영문판) 
  • 부제 : How Korea Captivated the World
  • 출간일 : 2024년  1월  4일
  • 쪽수 : 400쪽
  • 정가 : 32,000원
  • ISBN : 979-11-6484-647-4 (03300)
  • 저자 소개 : 장대환(Chang Dae-whan )
    Chang Dae-whan is the head of Maekyung Media Group, a leading media company in Korea. Maekyung Media Group encompasses the Maeil Business Newspaper, Korea’s largest paid-circulation economic newspaper; MBN, a broadcasting network; Maekyung Economy, a weekly magazine; Luxman, a monthly magazine; Maekyung Internet, an online news channel; and Maekyung Publishing, a book publishing company.
    He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Rochester in 1973, a master’s degree in international politics from George Washington University in 1976, and both a master’s and doctoral degree in international business administration from New York University in 1987. He served as Prime Minister of Korea in 2002, Chairman of the Korea Newspaper Association from 2005 to 2010, and Chairman of the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts from 2008 to 2011.
    In January 1993, he became the first Korean selected as a next-generation leader by the World Economic Forum, and has presenting national agendas at the Vision Korea National Reporting Conference since 1997, as well as leading global knowledge sharing as Executive Chairman of the World Knowledge Forum for 20 years.
    He has written and translated numerous books, including SEVEN DECADES OF KOREAN ECONOMIC SUCCESS, and One Asia Momentum.

종이책 구매하기

“How Korea Captivate the World?”

The Korean Wave from K-pop to K-bio

“K팝부터 K바이오까지, 한류는 어떻게 세계를 홀렸을까?”

외국인이 깜짝 놀라는 대한민국을 조명하다


HALLYU, a book filled with interesting and meaningful insights about Korea, the world’s most dynamic country, has been published.

‘Why is the world so enthusiastic about Korea?’ Authored by the head of Korea’s leading Maekyung Media Group, this book presents answers to this intriguing question, drawing upon vast data and experiences accumulated over a long career in journalism. The author shares his unique insights while highlighting Korea’s robust human resources and the diverse K-cultures and K-companies that have emerged from them. Despite its limited natural resources, Korea’s human capital is unmatched compared to other nations. HALLYU offers a thorough analysis of Korean culture and characteristics, revealing the underlying strength of the Republic of Korea. Through this book, readers can gain insights into Korea’s vibrant present and future, as depicted by one of the country’s most renowned journalists.

세계에서 가장 역동적인 나라, 대한민국에 대한 흥미롭고 의미 있는 통찰로 가득한 책,『K홀릭』이 출간됐다. “세계는 왜 대한민국에 열광할까?” 한국을 선도하는 매경미디어그룹을 이끌고 있는 저자는 언론인으로서 오랜 시간 경험하고 수집한 각종 데이터를 바탕으로 이러한 물음에 답한다. 저자는 탄탄한 한국의 인적 자원과 이로부터 파생하는 다양한 K문화, K기업을 소개하면서 자신만의 통찰을 던진다. 대한민국은 심각한 자원 부족 국가이지만, 인적 자원 하나만큼은 다른 나라에 뒤지지 않는다. 『K홀릭』은 한국인의 문화와 특성을 면밀히 분석하면서, 대한민국의 저력을 파헤쳐 소개한다. 이 책을 통해 대한민국 최고의 언론인이 제시하는 대한민국의 눈부신 현재와 미래를 만나보기 바란다.